HolyJS December 11, Moscow Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel, Square of Europe, 2

There is plenty of frontend conferences held in Russia. However, before 2016 year, there weren’t any conferences on the most popular in the world (according to GitHub and RedMonk) programming language, JavaScript, which is mainly associated with frontend.

We fixed this bug. HolyJS Moscow is the second large-scale conference on JavaScript in 2016. More than 400 JS-developers came together to discuss questions with JS-experts from all over the world.

All the talks were on technical topics without any agile, scrum and team management stuff. List of topics:

  • Architecture of modern JS-applications;
  • Node.js: best practices, performance, memory management;
  • JS and ECMAScript specification;
  • The practice of ES6 and ES7;
  • Optimizing JS-applications;
  • Functional programming in JS;
  • Customers-server synchronization;
  • Application Testing;
  • Working with graphics (WebGL, D3.js, etc.);
  • Web API (Bluetooth, Network API, IndexedDB, Web Notifications, etc.);
  • WebAssembly;
  • JS engines;
  • JS on the devices;
  • Progressive Web Apps;
  • Desktop apps (Electron, etc.).

The conference included 20 technical talks spoken in parallel tracks, lots of new people and communication with colleagues. HolyJS is not only about frontend, it also touches backend, desktop, and other demanded topics of JavaScript world.

ECMAScript: latest and upcoming features

Axel RauschmayerAxel Rauschmayer

ECMAScript: latest and upcoming features Axel Rauschmayer

In this talk, Axel will give an overview of the latest features that were added to ECMAScript, the JavaScript language standard. He will also show what features will probably be added next.


Denys MishunovDenys Mishunov

debugger; Denys Mishunov

How the developers loose connection with the outside world.

Web applications: fractioning monolith

Victor GrishchenkoVictor Grishchenko

Web applications: fractioning monolith Victor Grishchenko

While mobile apps try to become as lightweight as web pages, web apps increasingly resemble behemoths. Victor will talk about his own experiments in decomposing web apps into fine-grained pieces with explicit versioning and dependencies.

Modular CSS

Andrey OkonetchnikovAndrey Okonetchnikov

Modular CSS Andrey Okonetchnikov

How frontend-developers can avoid CSS’s bad parts, embrace good ones and even create a better tooling for CSS by combining the power of JavaScript using PostCSS and webpack.

Handmade remote (dev)tools

Roman DvornovRoman Dvornov

Handmade remote (dev)tools Roman Dvornov

Remote developer tools, what's inside, what are the problems and how avoid them. Thoughts about the future of remote devtools and their impact on development processes.

Rich text editing with Draft.js

Nikolaus GrafNikolaus Graf

Rich text editing with Draft.js Nikolaus Graf

Rich text editing is super hard. In this talk we are going to explore the structure and concepts of Draft.js - React based rich text editing framework. At Facebook it powers status updates, comments & notes. Others used it to build editors matching Medium’s experience. Nick will give a glance on Draft.js architecture, so you could build your own.

Debugging Node.js in Production

Thomas WatsonThomas Watson

Debugging Node.js in Production Thomas Watson

Node.js doesn’t require much to get started. But as with any other platform, you will run into issues like scalability, memory leaks, or slow requests. This talk covers the top Node.js performance issues, and will guide you through how to solve them.

A circular firing squad: How technologies drag frontend down

Evgeny GusevEvgeny Gusev

A circular firing squad: How technologies drag frontend down Evgeny Gusev

Everyone had written a library or framework. But does everyone answer to the question: "Why?" Is modern world looks like closet with bicycles? Let's throw away the skeletons and try to understand.

Approaches to modern web applications

Nikita ProkopovNikita Prokopov

Approaches to modern web applications Nikita Prokopov

Nikita and attendees will consider the architecture of modern single-ClojureScript-application with real-time synchronization. The goal is to find inspiration for new approaches that might as well be applied in JavaScript.

Koa and middleware evolution

Eugene PshenichnyyEugene Pshenichnyy

Koa and middleware evolution Eugene Pshenichnyy

Middleware evolution from Express to Koa and why Koa is just not another web framework.


Martin KleppeMartin Kleppe

3L3M3NT5 Martin Kleppe

In this mind-bending talk, Martin will explain how to use the unknown aspects of JavaScript to make something new: little games, small tools, and beautiful demos — all in just a bunch of bytes and out of nothing.

Offline is the new Black

Max StoiberMax Stoiber

Offline is the new Black Max Stoiber

The network is inherently unstable. Connection failures happen to everybody on a semi-regular basis, and can be very frustrating. Making your web application offline compatible is extremely beneficial for your users. Not only are connection failures taken care of, loading performance of your application is very fast after the first load.

WebVR is the next frontier

Martin SplittMartin Splitt

WebVR is the next frontier Martin Splitt

The new possibilities that WebVR brings to the web by enabling Virtual Reality for JavaScript developers

The web is mutating

Pavel KondratenkoPavel Kondratenko

The web is mutating Pavel Kondratenko

The web technologies we implemented and the results Pavel's team has got.

How modern libraries and frameworks work with DOM

Viacheslav SlinkoViacheslav Slinko

How modern libraries and frameworks work with DOM Viacheslav Slinko

This talk is for those who are interested to learn how modern libraries and frameworks work with the DOM; for those who do not have enough time to explore each of them independently. Themes will be discussed: VirtualDOM in React, Dirty Checking in Angular.js, Data Binding in Ember, Change Detectors in Angular2, Updating Opcodes in Glimmer 2.

Why you should care about Elm?

Tereza SokolTereza Sokol

Why you should care about Elm? Tereza Sokol

Frontend development can be painful, but it shouldn’t be. Based on real world experience, it will be explored how the Elm language’s design leads to reliable and maintainable code, before learning how you can use Elm yourself.

Building Interactive npm Command Line Modules

Irina ShestakIrina Shestak

Building Interactive npm Command Line Modules Irina Shestak

The objective is for the audience to walk away being able to either 1) improve their existing command line application or 2) write some amazing interactive applications of their own, or 3) both \o/ !

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Serverless Chatbots

Slobodan StojanovicSlobodan Stojanovic

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Serverless Chatbots Slobodan Stojanovic

A talk about what could happen if the wrong person combine multiple buzzwords and press the wrong button — and it played the situation for laughs. The main goal of this talk is to analyze 2 popular buzzwords — serverless and chatbots; combine them with node.js and simple NLP and show how easy is to build useful chatbots with insignificant cost of the infrastructure.


TimeTrack 1Track 2Track 3
9:00 – 10:00Registration + welcome coffee
10:00 – 10:20Opening
10:20 – 11:10
The talk is under consideration
11:10 – 11:25Coffee break
11:25 – 12:15
The talk is under consideration
The talk is under consideration
The talk is under consideration
12:15 – 12:45Coffee break
12:45 – 13:35
The talk is under consideration
The talk is under consideration
The talk is under consideration
13:35 – 13:50Coffee break
13:50 – 14:40
The talk is under consideration
The talk is under consideration
The talk is under consideration
14:40 – 15:30Lunch
15:30 – 16:20
The talk is under consideration
The talk is under consideration
The talk is under consideration
16:20 – 16:35Coffee break
16:35 – 17:25
The talk is under consideration
The talk is under consideration
The talk is under consideration
17:25 – 16:55Coffee break
17:55 – 18:45
The talk is under consideration
The talk is under consideration
The talk is under consideration
18:45 – 19:00Coffee break
19:00 – 19:50
The talk is under consideration
19:50 – 20:00Shutdown